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In the Spirit of the wait!!!

So, this blog is a platform for me! You would have thought that there would be more entries because there are certainly more issues. Although the blogs have been scarce, I have had over these several months to have two posts that make reference to words like COVID, pandemic, and quarantine.

Well, we find ourselves in what should be a lockdown of sorts. Maybe not a lockdown in the sense of all action stopped. But, a lockdown of your attitudes towards a mysterious pandemic that has no known nature. We are anxious to get back to normal. Yet, our actions refute all logic of getting to that place. Gathering without masks is known to ramp up this virus. But we go on a mask rebellion. We came into harvest time, AKA Halloween, hosting parties for children, teens, and adults with no distancing and, as I witnessed, no masking in mass. What a brilliantly dumb move to make in light of all the present results. Now we come to Thanksgiving and Christmas with this same rebellious nature gathering and planning to gather. I am not sure if the worst thing is the pandemic or our response to it. I won't try and solve that here. Rather, I leave any reader to ponder their role or observation of the aforementioned activities.

I, for one, am in a strange space. I am not sure that I could blame it on the pandemic or another circumstance that leads to me facing my own personal demons. The demons that come from strategically fashioning my social life in my singleness, is a whole project in itself. Addressing any of it here would be lost on some and too much for others to address here. (Leave your comments on this post) Then there is the creative push that is naturally me to write, produce content, and just create in ways where I am led. I have been driven to dive into who I am in my spirit and my personal perspective. I have spoken in a previous post of following and digesting messages from ministers that I have followed online and others that I know locally. These leaders have all crossed similar messages on different occasions with the theme of "Not Presently Appearing as You Shall Be". Therein lies the title of this post, "In the spirit of the wait". It has become extremely different to have so much of my physical movement diminished while waiting for changes in my direction and purpose achievement. It has made me question my journey and God's journey for me. So, thusly, I may be waiting on one thing when my journey may be destined for a completely different direction. I simply now strive to look for guidance in the regular things that happen on a daily basis and appreciate the blessing and the lessons. As referenced in Habakkuk 2 "the vision will not tarry and will surely come". I have heard speakers and spiritual leaders say the "your desire in the heart for anything good is God's signature to you that it is yours already." The real work is accepting that concept and carry a whole-hearted belief that this is true. "This too shall pass."


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