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Today in my Sunday School Class, we discussed Matthew's account of the visit of Jesus to the house of Simon, when the woman, other disciples referred to as Mary; the sister of Martha and Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead.

The account outlines how she entered the dinner that was already started and broke an alabaster box containing an expensive perfume and began to pour it on Jesus's head and anointed and washed his feet with her hair. (you can reference the full scripture in Matthew 26: 7 - 14). In paraphrase, the disciples that were present at the feast were disturbed that she had done this with such an expensive fragrance. Yet, Jesus acknowledged her act as an honorable sacrifice that should be remembered as giving her all as an example of how we should operate after encountering the meaning and purposes of our existence. "Pouring out our gifts that we were given by God for His glory".

I was immediately reminded that, in reference to 2 Corinthians 4:7 "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us." We must recognize,in fact, that we are vessels and have been endowed with treasures and gifts that we should pour out to the world. In Matthews account, Jesus instructed those who protested, to remember that gesture and use it as an example of service. Our gifts are designed to be poured out and used to glorify the God that purposed it inside of us to carry and light up the world with it's illumination. So, identify your gift and work every day to find a platform, avenue, channel, or area of direction in which to pour it out, so that others will remember your gestures as a memorial to your inner power that can only come from your creator, God!

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