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I’m not sure when it is that we start noticing differences. But, the minute we do, it is a constant journey of proving or disproving our likeness to a counterpart whether it be friend or foe. The vanity of man has been a baffling attribute down through the ages.

My personal experience has found me guilty of comparing myself to others in my strength and weakness, my achievements and failures, and my ability and lack of ability in many areas. I am fully aware that comparison is not why we were created. We know that we were all created differently to fulfill the full purpose of the entire universe. You might ask how I could be so presumptive. Well, if you believe in the God that created all things, you would agree that he designed the universe and all the it contains for his glory. So, although this is not bible study, the scripture reference:

Psalms 139: 14

“I will praise You, for [a]I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.

The Psalmist is praising God for making him in a magnificent way. There is no comparison of the creation of God. Everyone is unique and special. So, why would you think that you could measure your marvelous against someone else’s. I know that God has great things for me that are just for me. Yes, it may look like I am not on the same page as someone else. But the comfort lies in the fact that we are all made different. We have different goals, gifts, talents, and dreams. To fulfill those dreams, we must embrace those differences and express ourselves marvelously. Thank God we are enough.

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