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Becoming Your Best Self

As adults both men and women in whatever culture you find yourself immersed, the push to be personally developed is a focus that is shared by most. Now, when thinking of development, our minds explore many ideologies. There is the push to be educated and develop a career. The desire to find and secure a positive connection in an intimate relationship is another thing that so many don't like to talk about, yet still nags at us. Personal development has to do with all of

that. Yet, even more important is the total person spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

I have several partners who are "my best friend in my head" that are great encouragers and inspirational life coaches. I will share each of them here in this premiere blog post. Two of them that I will include in this post are Infinite Water (Ralph Smart) and Trent Shelton.

Disclaimer: If you are not driven to improving who you are, please don't be critical here. This is only for those people who have a desire to be fully committed to themselves and become an asset to others.

Infinite Waters, Ralph Smart has been and continues to be an inspiration to me and many followers of his vlog with personal anecdotes of "What he has learned on his journey". On his channel on YouTube, he continues to grow through who he continues to be as a person following his own path. I won't disclose too much. Following him is the best biography. You will become a follower.

Trent Shelton continue to inspire through his Vlog with the tag line "It all starts with you". I attached myself to his messages because of his personal story that resonated with me. As an aspiring NFL hopeful, he found himself having to change his mindset when having to exit. He made these vlogs into a motivational empire of sorts. Just click and like and share. You won't be disappointed.

As a motivator, I want to inspire and encourage you with my personal story. I have had many outward shows if you would. I have been a retail sales representative and manager for 20 plus years. I've spent about 16 years connected to mass communications. First, I served a local radio group in a medium market as a local station producer of nationally syndicated talk shows. I also did some radio announcing and voice overs. Additionally, I continue to serve in capacity as a contributing writer of various event coverage and special interest articles in various publications. I have authored one book which can be found on this site "The Wrong's I've Cone", published in 2014.

Now, here is the back story. I hope that you understand why my motivation is what it is. My energy is driven by the following. Allow me to be transparent here. .......

I am a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. This is the fact! After 21 years of being clean and sober I have had time to face and recognize why. At some point in my struggle, I decided to find an "out'. Of course, you know most outs are traps that lock you in to a cycle that leads to a larger struggle. I was very good in my roles at work, church, school, and the community. So much so, that people who knew me for years, even during my addiction, had no idea. I continued to be the Joseph that they knew and loved.

Side note: "Be the you that you need to be for you. Stop trying to please others with who you are. If they can't accept who you are, they are not worthy of connection."

So, when I decided that life had become unmanageable and I was losing the person that God had ordained for more purpose, I said enough....then took the steps to turn it around.

Becoming sober did not end my struggles. I had to find new ways to meet those struggles. The short story is " The struggle continues, the work is to stay motivated". I have found that motivation through encouraging and inspiring others. I've searched for ways to channel that motivation. So, if you are reading this, I hope you will share your story with me and find my content helpful to you or someone that you see struggling. Stay tuned for the next episode.

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